Jun 22, 2020
Here are 14 specific tips and long term habits to build so you can maximize your fitness efforts. By adopting these you'll move better; have less injuries, and see faster gains in your health.
Jun 15, 2020
Enjoy this full presentation by Dr. Lasky as he breaks down posture impact on your body. He shares slides and goes into specifics relating to hip flexors, squatting, shoulders, upper back, and common pains. A great reminder to challenge how we move daily is as important if not more important than our training sessions...
Jun 5, 2020
In this episode Coach Jimmy walks through volume, delayed onset of muscle soreness, and how you can recover! You know your body best and when you experience extreme sourness, it isn't a sign of a great training session, but one where we went beyond our reasonable capacity. Yes, you want to challenge and press capacity...